One Day • Instructor Led
This course offers valuable tips and tricks to maximize the capabilities of Excel. You will learn shortcuts that are sure to speed up application development with Excel and take your skills to the next level. Below are just a few of the tips and tricks –
- creating “impossible” charts
- tweaking Pivot Tables
- copying print settings across sheets
- taming “automatic” toolbars
- using a UserForm
- how to create dynamic chart data
- use Analysis Toolpak
- sort on more than three columns
- attach toolbars to worksheets
- apply custom functions
To ensure your success, we recommend you have experience using Excel with data and familiarity with basic concepts of data analysis such as working with tables, filtering, sorting, using formulas and performing calculations.
Course Outline
Lesson 1: Basic Excel Usage
- Selecting
- Navigating
- Hiding
- Formatting
Lesson 2: Data Entry
- AutoComplete, AutoCorrect and Auto Fill
- Freezing panes
- Drop-Down lists
Lesson 3: Formatting
- Number formats
- Gridlines, borders and underlines
- Wrapping text
- Colors and alternate row shading
Lesson 4: Basic Formulas & Functions
- References
- Values and formulas
- Names
Lesson 5: Useful Formula Examples
- Calculating
- Dates
- Counting
- Lookups
Lesson 6: Charts & Graphics
- Different types of charts
- Plotting
- Graphics
Lesson 7: Data Analysis and Lists
- Sorting
- Filtering
Lesson 8: Working with Files
- Importing
- Document properties
- Passwords
Lesson 9: Printing
- Printing controls
- Page breaks and numbering
Lesson 10: Customizing Toolbars & Menus
- Buttons and commands
- Creating, taming and attaching toolbars
Lesson 11: Spotting, Fixing & Preventing Errors
- Error checking
- Phantom links
- Cell relationships
Lesson 12: Basic VBA & Macros
- Security issues with macros
- Recording and running a macro
- Using add-ins
Lesson 13: Mathematical Calculations
- Converting measurements and temperatures
- Calculating, area, surface, circumference and volume
- Generating random numbers and integers