Leadership Development

Developing effective leaders is a struggle for many organizations.  Often leaders feel unprepared for their new leadership roles making them ineffective and leading to low productivity and attrition.  We have the resources to support your leaders, preparing them by providing the competencies needed to be successful.

If your organization is like most, you promote from within.  Often employees are promoted to supervisory roles because they are good at their job, with little to no training.  For this reason, Vermont Panurgy has developed leadership skills training. 

Our 3-day Leadership Institute: Essentials for Supervisors and 2-day Leadership Institute: More Essentials are designed for the new supervisor or manager providing the tools they need to be successful.  These two classes and our other talent development classes can be a significant component of the initiative to support your leaders, enabling them to work effectively and productively with others. 

Our Leadership Institute gets rave reviews!  Below are a few comments by attendees –

  • “The course was very helpful in cementing what I’ve experienced and providing real usable techniques.”
  • “The instructor was well prepared, dynamic and led interesting and informative discussions. Well worth the time!”
  • “I have taken leadership classes before, but the information was laid out in a clear and concise format that was much easier to understand.”
  • “Best leadership course I have ever taken, very impressed, exceeded expectations.”
  • “This was one of the most engaging online classes I’ve taken. The instructor made it really easy to pay attention and follow the information.”

Vermont Panurgy offers a comprehensive list of courses to support the development of your leaders.  These classes are offered on our public schedule or as a private session.  For over 25 years we have partnered with clients to help them achieve their goals through employee performance.

Leadership Development Class Schedule
