Three Days Instructor-led
This course teaches the fundamentals of JavaScript, the language of the Web. The material of the course covers everything you need to know to become proficient using JavaScript. You will learn JavaScript’s core elements, as well as some popular JavaScript libraries, such as jQuery, Underscore and others.
The course also covers such topics as JavaScript best practices, program debugging and testing.
- JavaScript fundamentals
- Working with various popular JavaScript libraries (Underscore, jQuery, etc.)
- Testing JavaScript
- JavaScript performance
- JavaScript best practices
Web Designers and Developer
Participants should have the general knowledge of the front-end web development
Course Outline
Chapter 1: Introduction to JavaScript
- What JavaScript Is and Is Not
- Not All JavaScripts are Created Equal …
- ECMAScript Language and Specification
- What JavaScript Can and Cannot Do
- JavaScript on the Server-side
- Elements of JavaScript
- Values, Variables and Functions
- Embedded Scripts
- External Scripts
- Browser Dialog Boxes
- What is AJAX?
- Summary
Chapter 2: JavaScript Fundamentals
- Variables
- JavaScript Reserved Words
- Dynamic Types
- JavaScript Strings
- Escaping Control Characters
- What is False in JavaScript?
- The Number Object
- JavaScript Objects
- Operators
- Primitive Values vs Objects
- Loops
- Functions
Chapter 3: JavaScript DOM API
- What is DOM?
- Element Hierarchy
- DOM Standardization
- The Document Object
- Nodes and Elements
- The Element Object
- Element Event Handlers
- The Window Object
- The Frame Object
- The History Object
Chapter 4: JavaScript Functions
- Functions Defined, Declared, and Arguments
- Return Values
- Multiple Return Values in ECMAScript 6
- Optional Default Parameter Values
- Emulating Optional Default Parameter Values
- Anonymous Function Expressions
- Functions as a Way to Create Private Scope
- Linking Functions to Page Elements
- Local and Global Variables
- Declaring Object Methods
- The arguments Parameter
- Example of Using arguments Parameter
Chapter 5: JavaScript Arrays
- Arrays Defined
- Creating an Array
- The length Array Member
- Traversing an Array
- Appending to an Array
- Deleting Elements
- Inserting Elements
- Other Array Methods
- Accessing Objects as Arrays
Chapter 6. Using Underscore JavaScript Library
- What and Why Use Underscore.js
- Underscore Functional Categories
- Functional Programming
- Imperative Programming in JavaScript
- The JavaScript Map Examples
- Collections Functions
- The Arrays Category Functions
- The union Arrays Function
- The difference Arrays Function
- The Objects Category Functions
- The Utility Category Functions
Chapter 7. Advanced Objects and Functionality In JavaScript
- Basic Objects
- Constructor Function
- Object Properties
- Namespace
- Functions are First-Class Objects
- Closures
- Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
- Inheritance in JavaScript
- Prototype Chain
- Traversing Prototype Property Hierarchy
- Improving Constructor Performance
- The hasOwnProperty Method
Chapter 8. jQuery Overview
- How to Use jQuery
- Benefits of Using a JavaScript Library
- CSS Selectors
- Background – DOM
- The jQuery Function Object
- The jQuery Wrapper
- API Function Notation
- Handling DOM Ready Event
- xhtml Note
- References
- Unit Conclusion
Chapter 9. Selectors
- Background: The Sizzle Selector Engine
- Selecting Elements by Attribute
- Pseudo-Selectors
- Faster Selection
- More on Chaining: .end()
- Testing Elements
- Saving Selections
- JavaScript Methods
- Function Context
- Conclusion
Chapter 10. DOM Manipulation
- The $ Function Revisited
- Getters and Setters
- The text() Element Method
- Appending DOM Elements
- Removing DOM Elements
- Performance
Chapter 11. Events
- Event Overview
- Old School: Event Handling Using HTML Element Attributes
- Unobtrusive JavaScript
- Multiple Handlers
- Using jQuery Wrapper Event Registration Methods
- Event Propagation
- Handlers for Elements Before They Exist!
- The Event Object
- Triggering Events
Chapter 12. Utility Functions
- The jQuery Object Revisited
- Functions May Have Methods
- Example jQuery Utility Functions
Chapter 13. AJAX
- Ajax Overview
- The Browser & the Server
- The Ajax Request
- The Ajax Response
- Sending an Ajax Request With jQuery – The General Case
- Sending an Ajax Request With jQuery – Simpler, Typical Case
- Data Types
Chapter 14. The JavaScript Console and The Console Object API
- JavaScript Console in Browsers
- Dev Tooling Support in Browsers
- The IE Web Dev Tools Console
- The Console API
- Coloring Your Output
- Using Console Commands
Chapter 15. Debugging JavaScript Code
- Why to Debug JavaScript Code?
- Debugging Tools in Browsers
- Chrome’s DevTools
- The Debugging Controls on the Sources Panel
- Debugging Actions
- Selecting a JavaScript File To Debug
- Setting and Removing Breakpoints
- Programmatic Control During Debug Pauses
- Breaking on Exceptions
- Other Debugging Techniques
- Breakpoints on JavaScript Event Listeners
- Supported Events
Chapter 16. Exception Handling in JavaScript
- Exception Handling
- Try Syntax
- The Finally Block
- The Nested Try Blocks
- Exceptions Types in JavaScript
- The Throw Statement
- Using the Error Object
Chapter 17. Testing JavaScript With Jasmine
- What is Jasmine
- Supported Integrations
- Jasmine in Standalone Mode
- Jasmine in Standalone Mode
- The Spec Runner Page
- Test Suites
- Specs (Unit Tests) & Expectations (Assertions)
- Matchers
- Using the not Property
- Test Failures
- Simulating Exceptions
- Asynchronous Calls
Chapter 18. JavaScript Performance and Best Practices
- Leverage Modern JavaScript Libraries
- Loading Scripts
- JavaScript Code Minification
- Use JavaScript Style Guides
- Avoid Global Variables, Use Proper Scopes
- Leverage HTML5 Web Workers
- Performance Optimization Considerations
- Performance Profiling
- JavaScript Program Profilers in Browsers
- Clean-up Your Code
- Use Strict Mode
- Equal or Not Equal
Chapter 19. Test Automation and Continuous Integration Systems For JavaScript
- Continuous Integration, Build and Test Automation
- What is Node.js
- Node Package Manager
- What is Grunt
- Excerpt from Gruntfile.js
- What is Bower
- What is Karma
- Working with Browser Launchers
- Setting Up Path to Browser Binaries
- TeamCity Build Management System
- TeamCity Overview